Speed Improvements

- by Robert Giordano | Blog Index

Over the past few days, I've made some adjustments to our servers and I've updated a bunch of code on the web site. This has resulted in much faster load times across all of Linkatopia.

My page, https://linkatopia.com/rob215, is one of the largest pages on the site. I've saved 3,600+ links since I built the first version of this site! When you go to my page, you are loading the data for ALL 3,600 LINKS (except for my private links!)

And yet, here's my Google PageSpeed result for Desktop:

Now this is pretty good but I'm certainly not done. I have more optimizations to do for mobile, and I may use a different approach to loading the link data in the future.

Most of you don't have 3,600 saved links, so your pages will load even faster. Custom styles, especially background images, might slow your pages down a little, but I'm working on a bunch of stuff in the background to optimize all of that stuff.


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